About Me: AnnMarie

  Have you ever been sitting in your living room with your head in your hands with your thoughts spinning out of control trying to understand why someone you cared about  was mistreating you, why they were so angry, and why nothing you did changed anything? Me too! One night after my dad had came to my apartment in a rage. Which was pretty common. I prayed " God I can't change him, I can't understand it , please God help me not be controlled by this. At that moment I made the decision to accept my dad for who he was and forgave him and took charge  of my emotions and thoughts so I could live my life with peace and happiness. As a person who grew up in an abusive, dysfunctional and judgmental environment. I chose to  create  values  aligned with whom I wanted to become and purposes. This platform is the culmination of those principles , a space dedicated to those seeking to find their path, save years of wandering, and embrace a life of fulfillment. Through actionable advice, encouragement , inspiring stories,  we’re here to support you in living true to yourself, so you can lead a life brimming with purpose.